※※If the app crashes during play, please set to OFF the High-definition mode(SETTING)※※
Connect 3 bubbles to make them disappear for lots of points!
Super popular shooting puzzle game "LINE Bubble!"
An official game for "LINE," the app for free calls and messages
LINE's characters now star in their own Bubble Game!
■All of the popular LINE characters are here!
Popular LINE characters Cony, Moon, Brown, James and Sally all appear in this Bubble Game!
■How to Play
LINE Bubble! is a Shooting Puzzle Game that anyone can enjoy.
The point is to connect the bubbles Cony fires to the bubbles that come dropping down. If 3 or more bubbles with the same picture line up, the bubbles will burst and you'll earn points.
If the bubbles reach the bottom of the screen the game is over! Aim carefully and try to pop as many bubbles as you can!
1) Popped bubbles will turn into coins. Coins can be used to obtain various items, so use these items to gain as high a score as you can!
2) Touch "Sally" to remove a large number of bubbles all at once.
3) In case of emergency, fire a "Power Bubble!"
■Play with your LINE Friends!
The game is much more fun if you play with your LINE Friends! You can exchange carrots, which are required to play the game, or compete for the rankings.
Play "LINE Bubble!" with your LINE Friends for fun and excitement!
※If the bubble does not appear after the start of the game in some models
There is a problem with the screen set to turn off the DISPLAY SETTING mode, and restart the game from the normal operation.
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